Beerpong XXL
Beerpong XXL Arena
You can use this inflatable Beerpong XXL Arena for the well-known game with the red cups and small balls. 2x 6 red bins are placed on the red dots. One player of each team takes place behind each set of bins. Try to throw the ball into your opponent’s cup. When the ball falls into the bin, the player need to remove that one. The person who cleared all of the opponent’s cups at first has won.
Fun for young and old
This variant of the Beerpong is fun to play for young and old. From student association to family party; everyone will enjoy playing this game. Beerpong is originally a drinking game where the opponent has to finish a glass when the ball lands in his or her cup. It is important to be able to properly estimate the distance between the ball and the cup. The more the participants have drunk, the more difficult this will be.
Delivery of the Beerpong XXL arena does not include the red bins (or cups). Because people may already have these themselves or want to buy them elsewhere, we offer them as an extra option. The red bins measure approximately 0.6 x 0.6 x 0.7 meters and can be ordered separately.
Blower TFC1.1
4 Groundpegs
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