General Data Protection Regulation
The General Data Protection Regulation applies as of 25 May 2018. This means that from that date the same privacy legislation will apply throughout the European Union. Jump Factory receives, processes and deals with the data of its customers in accordance with these new regulations. All data collected through telephone contact, e-mail, the sales channels of our representatives, the website or through other channels are obtained voluntarily.
Privacy. Who would not want that?
At Jump Factory we think privacy is one of the most important things. Therefore, you can visit our website without telling us who you are or providing any information about yourself.
Our website keeps track of the number of visitors by means of a counter, the websites they come from and through which provider everyone has access to the internet. The results are only used in aggregated form and cannot be traced back to individual persons. In other words, we do not collect any personal data from you.
However, there are situations where we need information to be able to correspond with you or place an order. We can well imagine that leaving data behind is not always pleasant.
To provide openness, we would like to tell you what we do with your data. If you have any questions after reading this, do not hesitate to contact us and one of our colleagues will be happy to explain it again, by email or telephone on +31(0)24-7600152.
Protected at Jump Factory
We believe that a personal and reliable service is very important. That is why we are constantly working to protect your data. If you want to view your data or have it removed, please feel free to contact one of our colleagues. We are happy to help you within office hours.
Everyone, whether he likes it or not, is confronted with advertising every day. Therefore, it is understandable that this can sometimes provoke irritation. We not only use the data you have entrusted to us to optimize your experience, but also to show relevant advertising. This way we can see where you have shown interests. This is done based on your surfing behavior, cookies and your previous orders. In this way we hope to be able to serve you even better!
Cookies? Not again…
No one can escape it, cookies on the internet! But what are those cookies actually? A cookie is a small file that a website places on the hard drive of your computer when you visit a page. Jump Factory uses cookies to ensure that our website works properly.
By using these cookies, we ensure that visiting our website becomes easier for you. In addition, we can show more targeted advertisements. Nobody likes advertisements, especially if they are irrelevant to you. That is why we register which advertisement you see and how often you see it. We do this in order to customize our advertisements to your interests.
We use your data for various purposes. For example, we need information such as your name, e-mail address, address, telephone number and in some cases your payment details to complete orders. With that information we can not only process your order, but also keep you informed.
As a Jump Factory customer, you may receive regular emails from us. These emails contain recommended products that we think you will like. If you no longer want to receive product advice or no advertising at all from us, you can always indicate this towards us. This can be done by contacting us, giving us a call or by unsubscribing yourself at the bottom of the advertising email.
Of course, we do not use your information for other purposes. Your information is your information. And it stays that way. That is why we do not store this data longer than permitted.
Exclusion of Liability
All information on this web page is intended for personal use. No rights can be derived from the information. Modifications and typographical errors reserved. We make every effort to ensure that the information on this web page is as complete and accurate as possible. Jump Factory BV does not accept any responsibility for damage in any way caused by the use, incompleteness or inaccuracy of the information provided on this website.
The information and recommendations on this website are subject to change without prior warning or notice. We make every effort to make this webpage available as much as possible, but we do not accept any liability for any consequences of (temporary) unavailability of the website.
Copyrights and Intellectual Property Rights
The copyright on this website rests with Jump Factory BV or third parties who have made this (visual) material available to Jump Factory BV with permission. Multiplication in whatever form is only permitted after prior permission from Jump Factory BV.