Bouncy castle for people with disabilities

Bouncy castle for people with disabilities

At Jump Factory, we believe that everyone should have fun, no matter their physical abilities.

Why should fun be limited? At Jumpfactory, we create bouncy castles specially designed for people with disabilities.

These bouncy castles are made with safety and accessibility in mind. Some unique features include:


Fully enclosed walls:
This ensures that users can never fall out of the bouncy castle, providing maximum safety.




Springkussen voor gehandicapten kopen


Special entry points:
Two openings under the bouncy castle make it easy for wheelchair users to safely enter from their lift.




We have already created bouncy castles for care institutions such as EFG, Ons Tweede Huis, Lunet Zorg, and GJW Nordwest.

We are proud to see how much joy these inclusive bouncy castles bring. Whether for an event, a care institution, or a personal request, we customize every bouncy castle to fit your needs.

Are you interested in a bouncy castle that is accessible to everyone? Contact us and explore the possibilities.

Together, we create unforgettable moments for everyone!

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